2024/25 season for the FORGASS Season Opener
Race #1 – Oct 12th and 13th – Arcadia
We will keep the same classes and schedule. Saturday practice with 1 round of qualifying. Sunday at least 2 rounds of qualifying and racing. (Subject to change)
Classes are as follows:
GT Electric
GT Nitro
1/10th Sedan
1/8th Open
1/5th Scale
All nitro qualifiers will be 4 minutes. GT Electric will be 7 minutes.
All Nitro B-mains and lower are 20 minutes, A-mains are 30 minutes. GT Electric is 2, 7-minute mains.
Race fee will be $50.00 per class.
Nuggets Cafe will be open both days for lunch.
Pit spaces are available for $10
If you tent you must bring your own power source or pay the $10 to use the tracks power.
6 races with 1 drop.
For more information, go to Facebook.com/NuggetsRanchRacewayRC.